e‑Sword X

the Sword of the LORD
with an electronic edge

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I install the MAC copy of the e-Sword premium module I previously purchased?

All you need to install your e-Sword X module at no additional cost is to enter your Email address and "Product Key" you received when you purchased the module for use with e-Sword. If you do not have that information, just click on the "Recover Product Key" button on the dialog that prompts for this information.

How do I purchase a "locked" module?

When you attempt to download a "locked" module it will display a dialog prompting for your "Product Key". On that dialog is a "Purchase From ..." button that you can click to be redirected to the publisher's web site for pricing/purchasing if you wish to do so.

How do I transfer my user files to another device?

On the first device, select "File, User Files, Backup User Files" menu item. Select a shared cloud location to back them up to. Afterwards, on the second device, select "File, User Files, Import" menu item. Select your user files from that same shared cloud location. These steps are also how you backup your user files for safe-keeping.

Do I need to be "online" to use e-Sword X?

No. E-Sword X is an "offline" app. An Internet connection is only needed for downloading the app itself, and any additional modules you wish to install.

Will e-Sword X work on any Mac model?

No. Only Mac models running at least macOS 11 Big Sur which is available for all generations of Mac built from 2014.

How do you use e-Sword X?

Check out the online Help file here:

Kevin Purcell has created a great online demo you can view here:

How do I make my own modules for e-Sword X?

There is a lot to it, but hopefully we can make it easy for you. The following steps should assist you in this endeavor:

STEP #1 — e-Sword. You need to have a PC with e-Sword 13 installed on it. You can download that from here: https://www.e-sword.net/downloads.html

STEP #2 — Content. There are thousands of user-made modules already available for e-Sword which can easily be converted for e-Sword X. Join the e-Sword User Group where you can find what you are looking for, or if it doesn't already exist there are also tools by which you can create them! The e-Sword User Group is here: http://www.biblesupport.com/

STEP #3 — Convert. After you have downloaded the e-Sword module(s) you wish to convert for use in e-Sword X you will need to run them through the e-Sword PC Module Conversion Utility. You can download that from here: https://www.e-sword.net/extras.html

STEP #4 — Transfer. The final step is to move the new module(s) onto your Mac. Select "Import" under the e-Sword X "File" menu item to do so.

STEP #5 — Restart. To load the new module(s) you will need to restart e-Sword X if it is already running.

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